Wyshinski Bus Service, Inc.
“Smiles for Miles since 1945”

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Wyshinski Bus Company


12 East Griffith Street; Penns Grove NJ 08069

A great place to work.


Safety is our top priority due to the fact we are transporting our most precious cargo, our children.

All our buses have bus aides to assist our drivers, and are equipped with seatbelts, fire extinguishers and emergency doors and child alert alarms. All vehicles are inspected daily and bi-annually by the state. Our safety record is impeccable.

If you have any safety concerns, please contact us immediately at our home office at 856-299-0231 or use the form below. Your concerns will be addressed immediately.

Video for kids learning to ride the bus for the first time!

Report an Unsafe Driver

If you can provide information to help us identify the offending driver, please fill in above. This could include bus number if you saw it, the location and time of day, etc.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.